Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms?
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms?

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

1. Getting Sick or Infected Frequently

One of the most important functions of vitamin D in the body is to keep your immune system strong. This way, you can fight viruses and bacteria that cause disease.
It directly interacts with the cells responsible for fighting infection.

If you are sick often (especially with colds or flu), low levels of vitamin D in your body can be a factor that makes you sick.
Many great observational studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and respiratory infections such as colds, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Some studies have shown that taking vitamin D supplements up to 4,000 IU daily can reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

In a study conducted on people with chronic lung diseases COPD; It’s been observed that people with severely insufficient vitamin D levels benefit significantly from using high doses of vitamin D
supplements for one year.

2. Fatigue

There are many reasons for feeling tired, and vitamin D deficiency may be one of them. Unfortunately, this shortcoming is often overlooked as a potential cause.
Studies on patients; showed that very low blood levels can cause fatigue with a serious negative
impact on quality of life.

In one case; a woman suffering from chronic daytime fatigue and headache, her vitamin D blood level was found to be only 5.9 ng / ml. This is extremely low, as any level below 20 ng / ml is
considered incomplete. When the woman took a vitamin D supplement, her blood vitamin D level increased to 39 ng / ml and her symptoms improved.
You can find vitamin D supplements that can help relieve your fatigue here!

However, it is thought that even blood levels that are not extremely low can negatively affect your energy levels.

A large observational study examined the relationship between vitamin D and fatigue in young women. Work; He found that women with a blood vitamin D level lower than 20 ng / ml or 21-29
ng / ml have more trouble complaining about fatigue than blood levels above 30 ng / ml.

3. Bone and Back Pain

Vitamin D helps maintain bone health in several ways. Because it increases the absorption of calcium in your body.

Bone pain and low back pain can be signs of insufficient vitamin D levels in the blood. Major observational studies have found an association between vitamin D deficiency and chronic
low back pain.

In a study conducted on more than 9,000 elderly women, the relationship between vitamin D levels and back pain was examined. Researchers have found that individuals with vitamin D
deficiency were more likely to experience back pain, including severe back pain that limits their daily activities.

4. Depression

A depressed mood can also be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Researchers in review studies have associated vitamin D deficiency with depression, especially  in older adults. In an analysis, 65% of the observational studies found a relationship between low
blood levels and depression. On the other hand, most controlled studies that carry more scientific weight than observational studies have not shown a link between the two.

However, the researchers who analyzed the studies noted that the vitamin D dosage in controlled studies was generally very low.
Additionally, the researchers have also observed that taking vitamin D supplements did not takelong enough to see the effect on mood.

5. Wound Healing
Slow healing of wounds after surgery or injury may be a sign that your vitamin D levels are too low. Results from a test tube study show that vitamin D increases the production of compounds that
are crucial for building new skin as part of the wound healing process.

Also, it has been suggested that vitamin D's role in controlling inflammation and fighting infection is important for proper healing.
One analysis examined patients with diabetic foot infections. Turns out that individuals with severe vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have higher levels of inflammatory markers that
may compromise recovery.

Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and bone metabolism.
Many older people diagnosed with bone loss believe they should get more calcium. However, they may also be lacking in vitamin D.
Low bone mineral density is an indication that your bones are losing calcium and other minerals.

This; in older adults (especially women), it causes an increased risk of fractures. In a large observational study conducted on more than 1,100 middle-aged women during or after
menopause, the researchers; found a strong link between low vitamin D levels and low bone mineral density.

6. Hair Loss

Hair loss is often attributed to a common cause of stress. However, severe hair loss can be the result of an illness or nutrient deficiency.
Hair loss in women has been associated with low vitamin D levels, but there is little research on this subject to date.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease characterized by severe hair loss on the head and other parts of the body. This disease is also associated with rickets, a disease that causes bone
weakening in children due to vitamin D deficiency.

Low vitamin D levels are linked to alopecia areata and may be a risk factor for disease progression.

We’ve shared the best vitamin D pills available on the market that can help protect your mood in our article "The Best 5 Vitamins D, the Enemy of Anxiety and Depression" with you. You can find
out which vitamins D’s can help you by clicking the link.

7. Muscle Pain

It is often difficult to pinpoint the causes of muscle pain. There is some evidence that vitamin D deficiency can cause potential muscle pain in children and adults.
In a study; It was found that 71% of people with chronic pain had insufficient vitamin D levels. The vitamin D receptor is found in nerve cells called nociceptors that sense pain.
A study on mice showed that vitamin D deficiency causes pain and sensitivity due to muscle stimulation.

A few studies have shown that taking high doses of vitamin D supplements can reduce various types of pain in people with insufficient vitamin D levels.
In a study of 120 children with increased pain and vitamin D deficiency; It has been found that a single dose of vitamin reduces pain results by an average of 57%.